Lameness and Poor Performance

Lameness examinations may be undertaken either at the hospital or at the trainer or owner’s property. REC Equine Specialists veterinarians are all highly experienced in lameness investigations.  More recently the practice has been strengthened by the addition of specialists in the discipline of sports medicine and rehabilitation.  Lameness examinations typically involve detailed history taking, assessment of conformation, palpation and flexion tests, nerve and/or joint blocks and radiographic and/or ultrasound examination.  In more complicated causes of lameness the hospital offers more detailed imaging techniques which include nuclear medicine (bone scanning) and standing CT examinations.

Poor performance, while often caused by lameness may result from numerous other abnormalities. A poor performance investigation initially consists of a detailed history, physical examination, and lameness examination. Depending on the history and physical examination findings one or more of the following investigations may be indicated, including; routine bloodwork, upper airway endoscopic examination, exercising endoscopic examination, ultrasound and/or fluid sampling of the lungs (tracheal aspiration and bronchoalveolar lavage), endoscopic examination of the stomach and/or evaluation of the heart by ECG and/or ultrasound.