Residency Information
REC Equine Specialists has a long history of commitment to training and mentoring our future equine veterinarians.
Residency Information
REC Equine Specialists in conjunction with Charles Sturt University (CSU) and the University of Queensland (UQ) offer clinical residency positions in equine surgery, sports medicine & rehabilitation and internal medicine.
CSU, Wagga Wagga and REC Equine Specialists offer applicants a 3.5 year, clinical residency position in Equine Surgery. The position satisfies the credential requirements for specialist examination by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons and include completion of the Master of Veterinary Studies (DVStud). Candidates receive advanced clinical and research training and spend an equal amount of time in training at both institutions, under the direct supervision of registered specialists. The program includes clinic rounds, journal club, seminars and emergency on-call duty under the guidance of specialists. At CSU residents participate in undergraduate veterinary science student teaching and complete a clinical research project. Training in research methods, scheduled periods for research and publication mentoring are provided. At REC Equine Specialists teaching includes ongoing training and guidance of interns.
The University of Queensland (UQ) and REC Equine Specialists collaborate to offer a 3.5-year Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Training Program that combines clinical work, training and research. The program provides active on-site training and supervision by registered veterinary specialists and highly qualified clinical researchers at UQ VETS Equine Specialist Hospital, and REC Equine Specialists. Residents will complete a Doctorate of Veterinary Clinical Science (DVClinSc) degree and will also be eligible to apply to sit American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation certifying examinations.
REC Equine Specialists joins together with The University of Queensland (UQ) and to offer a 3.5 year Equine Internal Medicine Residency Program that combines clinical work, training and research. The program also provides active on-site supervision by registered veterinary specialists and highly qualified clinical researchers at UQ VETS Equine Specialist Hospital, and REC Equine Specialists. Residents will complete a Doctorate of Veterinary Clinical Science (DVClinSc) degree and be eligible to apply to sit American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine certifying examinations.